Promoted Listings Express


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Promoted Listings Express

Promoted Listings Express lets you boost visibility for your auction-style listings with just a few clicks. Pay one flat fee upfront and your listing could appear in sponsored ads on similar listings’ pages.

Promoted Listings Express is available to all sellers whose seller level is Above Standard or Top Rated with enough account activity

Reach the right buyers

Promoted Listings Express appear as ads on similar listings’ pages, which means that your listing is in the right place at the right time.

Improve your chance of a sale

More visibility means more views, which increases your chances of a sale.

Pay one flat fee per item

With simple tiered pricing, you don’t have to worry about how to price your ad.

There are a few eligibility requirements to use Promoted Listings Express

Your listings need to:

  • Be auction listings
  • Can be in any category other than Vehicles, Real Estate, Travel, or other select categories

You need to be an active seller in good standing, which means:

  • Your seller level is Above Standard or Top Rated
  • You have enough account activity

1. Promote after listing on the eBay app

  • If your item is eligible, you will see a page after you list your item that will let you promote your listing
  • Tap on “Pay now to promote” to promote your listing.

2. Promote from My eBay on the eBay app

  • Eligible listings may have a “Promote it” banner within your eBay app on your Active listings page. Tap on the banner to promote your listing
  • When you tap on the menu next to your item, eligible listings will have an option to “Promote listing”. Tap on “Pay now to promote” to promote your listing.

3. Promote when creating a new listing on desktop

  • If your listing is eligible, you will see Promoted Listings Express in the “Sell it Faster” section when creating a new auction listing on desktop (in the classic listing tool)
  • Check the box to promote your listing and pay the upfront fixed fee.

1. Promote after listing on the eBay app

  • If your item is eligible, you will see a page after you list your item that will let you promote your listing
  • Tap on “Pay now to promote” to promote your listing.

2. Promote from My eBay on the eBay app

  • Eligible listings may have a “Promote it” banner within your eBay app on your Active listings page. Tap on the banner to promote your listing
  • When you tap on the menu next to your item, eligible listings will have an option to “Promote listing”. Tap on “Pay now to promote” to promote your listing.

3. Promote when creating a new listing on desktop

  • If your listing is eligible, you will see Promoted Listings Express in the “Sell it Faster” section when creating a new auction listing on desktop (in the classic listing tool)
  • Check the box to promote your listing and pay the upfront fixed fee.

Your Express ad fee will depend on the length of your auction-style listing and the category you select when listing your item. When promoting your listing, you will see the fee clearly stated before confirming your purchase, and will be charged immediately. 

Express ad fees will be listed on your Transactions page within the Payments section in My eBay.

Learn about the Promoted Listings Express FAQs – Explore More

Promoted Listings Express FAQs

Promoted Listings Express lets you promote your listing for an upfront, flat fee. That fee depends on the length of your auction and the category you select when listing your item. You will see the fee clearly when you promote your listing.

Listings promoted with Promoted Listings Express will have access to sponsored placements on listing pages of similar listings.

Express ad fees will be listed on your Transactions page within the Payments sections in My eBay.

For your listings to be eligible for Promoted Listings Express, they need to meet all of the following criteria:

  • The listing is auction-style
  • The listing category isn’t Vehicles, Real Estate, Travel, or other select categories

For sellers to be eligible for Promoted Listings Express, you need to meet all of the following criteria:

  • Your seller level is Above Standard or Top Rated
  • You have enough account activity

No. Listings which are promoted using Promoted Listings Express are only promoted for the duration of that auction. Even if your listing is set to automatically relist, your listing will not be promoted again. If you’d like to promote your listing again, follow the steps in the “Promote your listings” section to promote your listing.


We always suggest promoting your highest quality listings when deciding which listings to promote using Promoted Listings Express. Our algorithms decide which listings to display to buyers based on a variety of factors, including listing quality.

High quality listings have a higher potential to get more clicks and ultimately more bids. For the best buyer experience, quality is one of the most important factors in determining if we’ll show your listing. Since our systems rely on the quality of your listing, there’s no guarantee that your item will receive a boost in impressions, or that your item will sell.

We recommend following eBay’s listing best practices to help ensure your promoted listings are high quality and attractive to buyers:

  • Categorize your listings properly
  • Include relevant keywords in titles
  • Price items competitively
  • Use high quality photos with clear backgrounds

To learn more about listing best practices, click here.

A view is the number of visits to a listing page. An impression is the number of times your listing has appeared on eBay. When we talk about visibility, we are referring to impressions.

For example, when your listing appears as a Promoted Listings Express ad, that would be counted as an impression. If the buyer clicks on that ad, that would be counted as a view.

Ultimate Guide to eBay Ads

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