Becoming Top Rated Seller

What is eBay’s Top Rated Seller Program?

eBay’s Seller Performance Standards are designed in a manner to recognize and reward those sellers who are consistently providing a high level of customer service and buyer satisfaction.

As a Top Rated Seller, you are supported by eBay with exclusive benefits that can help boost your listings visibility, improve conversions, save money, and protect you from abusive buying behavior and events outside of your control.

Top Rated Seller Program - eBay
Top Rated Seller Program - eBay

What is eBay’s Top Rated Seller Program?

eBay’s Seller Performance Standards are designed in a manner to recognize and reward those sellers who are consistently providing a high level of customer service and buyer satisfaction.

As a Top Rated Seller, you are supported by eBay with exclusive benefits that can help boost your listings visibility, improve conversions, save money, and protect you from abusive buying behavior and events outside of your control.

eBay’s Top Rated seller program benefits

Top Rated Sellers receive multiple benefits which include:

  • Enhanced visibility in eBay search results 
  • Exclusive seller protections
  • Protection from abusive buyers and events outside your control  
  • Eligibility to receive a Top Rated Plus seal prominently displayed with your qualifying listings

eBay’s Top Rated seller program benefits

Top Rated Sellers receive multiple benefits which include:

  • Enhanced visibility in eBay search results 
  • Exclusive seller protections
  • Protection from abusive buyers and events outside your control  
  • Eligibility to receive a Top Rated Plus seal prominently displayed with your qualifying listings

Conditions to qualify for Top-Rated plus seal

  • Offer same day or one-business-day handling
  • Offer a 30-day-or-longer free return period with money back option

Benefits for listings that qualify

  • The Top Rated Plus seal, displayed prominently in search results and your listing description

Conditions to qualify for Top-Rated plus seal

  • Offer same day or one-business-day handling
  • Offer a 30-day-or-longer free return period with money back option

Benefits for listings that qualify

  • The Top Rated Plus seal, displayed prominently in search results and your listing description

Requirements to qualify as a Top-Rated seller in the USA

To become a Top Rated Seller, you must meet the following guidelines:


An eBay account that’s been active for at least 90 days


100 or more transactions and $1,000 in sales during the last 12 months with US buyers


A defect rate less than or equal to 0.5%, with three or fewer defects from unique buyers


Cases closed without seller resolution less than or equal to 0.3%, with two or fewer cases


A late shipment rate less than or equal to 3%, with five or fewer late shipment


Tracking uploaded within your stated handling time, and carrier validation for 95% of transactions to US buyers

Requirements to qualify as a Top Rated seller in the USA

To become a Top Rated Seller, you must meet the following guidelines:


An eBay account that’s been active for at least 90 days


100 or more transactions and $1,000 in sales during the last 12 months with US buyers


A defect rate less than or equal to 0.5%, with three or fewer defects from unique buyers.


Cases closed without seller resolution less than or equal to 0.3%, with two or fewer cases


A late shipment rate less than or equal to 3%, with five or fewer late shipment


Tracking uploaded within your stated handling time, and carrier validation for 95% of transactions to US buyers

Once you meet these requirements, we will automatically upgrade you to the Top Rated Seller status at your next evaluation.

Requirements to qualify as a Top Rated Seller in the USA

To become a Top Rated Seller, you must meet the following guidelines:


An eBay account that’s been active for at least 90 days


100 or more transactions and $1,000 in sales during the last 12 months with US buyers


A defect rate less than or equal to 0.5%, with three or fewer defects from unique buyers.


Cases closed without seller resolution less than or equal to 0.3%, with two or fewer cases


A late shipment rate less than or equal to 3%, with five or fewer late shipments


Tracking uploaded within your stated handling time, and carrier validation for 95% of transactions to US buyers

Note: You can become an eBay Top Rated Seller on,,,, and (the US, UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland markets, as well as in markets outside these regions) depending on your sales history and on meeting regional performance standards requirements.

Note: You can become an eBay Top Rated Seller on,,,, and (the US, UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland markets, as well as in markets outside these regions) depending on your sales history and on meeting regional performance standards requirements.